To join you must meet these requirements and you will also need to work with us (Like a intern) then we will consider hiring you. Here are the requirements:
-No Major Sanctions on your account
-Must know the rules
-Must have been a woozworld member for at least 1 month
-Must be able to handle situations with care and attention
-Must be able to log in at least 3-5 times a week to help us
-Cannot support bad behavior of any kind
-Any infractions of our rules or Requirements You can be fired immediately
-No lieing
-Must respect ALL members of the group
-Any questions are to be directed to your team leader or PoliceOfficerSam
-Keys to the helper unitz are 15 beex each, There is 4-5 keys total
PoliceOfficerSam Owns the group.
PoliceOfficerSam reserves any and all rights to change or edit these rules.
Themizyve is the Co-owner of the group and is also the trainer.
Our main theme is Ninjas
Also you need to have a fear face. (training for this will be included)
HI sam